Sunday April 10, 2022 10am-1pm
Birch St Plaza and Surrounding Businesses
Our Annual Egg Hunt is back! Join us on Sunday April 10th from 10am-1pm to gather eggs from local businesses around the square. We'll gather at 10am on Birch St Plaza to hand out maps with participating businesses and learn about where to find the hidden treats in the square. Then you're off to visit your favorite businesses where there will be treats waiting for you! Once you've filled your baskets, meet us back on Birch St Plaza for games, crafts, and pictures with the Easter Bunny.
This is a free event and no registration is needed. Just meet us at Birch St Plaza at 10am and bring your basket!
Our eggs are filled with toys, not candy, so they are allergen friendly! And if you're lucky, you'll find one of the 5 special eggs with a gift card to a local Roslindale business inside. Keep an eye out for these special eggs as you walk throughout the square.
To keep the party going after we've found the eggs, Knock on Wood will be playing a concert on Birch St Plaza! They are a high energy, acoustic folk-rock duo who has performed across the region. Be sure to stay and listen to their set!
If you have questions about the event, email Steve at events@roslindale.net.
