The Rozzie Flea Market at Adams Park is a fun opportunity to gather in our neighborhood, to meet our neighbors, and to clear a few items out of our basements--like a neighborhood yard sale. The application deadline is March 31. Join us Saturday, April 13, from 9am-12pm, to shop for second-hand treasures at Adams Park. You never know what you might find! ​
Hey, what is this Rozzie Flea Market thing?
The Rozzie Flea Market is an event where neighbors from Roslindale and beyond can sell a bunch of stuff from their houses! It’s hosted at Adams Park and organized by the Roslindale Village Main Street Events Committee.
Cool! What can I sell?
Pretty much anything pre-owned and sensible – no guns, ammo, drugs (obviously). No food items. No recalled items. No self-made items (we have a separate Craft Fair for that!). If you can get your items here, and arrange them, so they are not a hazard to people, then you can sell them (or take them away at the end of the night). But remember, this is for neighbors to use – not for commercial enterprises, so don’t go bringing the suits from your Suit Shop or your pants from your Pant Shop. Ultimately, RVMS will have a couple of volunteers on site, and they will determine whether you can sell specific things or not.
Sweet. How can I sign up to participate? And does it cost anything?
Excellent! Use this link to sign up for a table and confirm by paying the $10 fee using the link that is emailed to you. We have 30 vendor spots available, and please, only sign up for one! Payments must be paid by April 10.
I think I will! What do I need to bring – apart from my stuff to sell?
You will bring your own table. You will supply the tags for your items, a method of taking payments (phone for payment apps such as Venmo, or cash & change, etc.), and anything else you might need (for example, anything used to display your items, bags, etc.).
Anything else I need to know?
Read the full Rules & Regulations here, but otherwise, leave Adams Park as you found it, and have fun, get rid of some stuff, and meet some new neighbors!